padLOCK is ..

.. 50% a license management web portal, and 50% an SDK for use in your macOS software projects. Together, they make it easy to manage your users, make sure they use the software legitimately. It covers areas such as activation, validation, etc. The SDK handles this automatically, and gives you, the developer, easy to use interfaces to react to. This page covers most, if not all, features you can expect.

Web interface

The web interface is where you will manage (create, update, delete) products and license keys. You can see details such as creation date, uses, emails, etc. Logs for when keys where used, who used it, etc. API keys for integrations and endpoints are also managed here.

Various screenshots of the web interface as of May 25th, 2024


As of version 1.0.7, the following features exists:

  • PadlockManager - handles downloading, activating, validating, license files. It also handles automatic revalidation for license files which are about to expire
  • Activation SwiftUI view - A validation view you can display which will automatically let your users activate your app
  • License info SwiftUI view - A view you could present to display information about the currently downloaded license

This is an example of the SwiftUI view (with logic) that padLOCK SDK provides out of the box.

More details in the integration docs.


There are various license types you can use


As the name suggests, this type of license will never expire. It can optionally have local license files expire and require revalidation.


A claimable license will automatically connect with the first email that tries to activate it from within your software. Useful for giving out free copies without necessarily having to ask for emails beforehand. At the moment, all claimable licenses are automatically lifetime licenses.

Version locked & time limited


3rd party integration

Currently, the only direct integration implemented is Gumroad Ping to automatically import license keys when purchases are made.

More integrations are planned, such as Lemon Squeezy and direct API endpoints.


There exists an endpoint to connect an email to an existing license key. This is in case you want to allow for example resellers to sell keys, and then connect their costumers email with the sold key.