padLOCK is a license manager and SDK for your macOS apps
Are you rolling your own license key creation, activation, re-validation, revoking, API hosting, license circumvention, license time-or-version limiting logic, database, maintenance, trial management, and all the rest?
Let padLOCK do it for you.
No surprise fees. Cancel and export full data anytime.
Zero committment to try things out, only pay when you launch your 1.0 (yes, you can try out padLOCK on your betas for free)
$19 per month
For your recently launched product
One project is one app.
If the growing plan does not fit you, please reach out.
This could include those who want to distribute very small, free software, open source software, education software, or for-profit with a much larger costumer base. Or those who want a custom implementation / feature set.